Table of Contents



Email is a hidden application. There is no Email icon on the desktop or the dock. It shows up when the user needs to Email an item. In MyServer, Album Maker and Album Show, the user can find the Email command in the context menu of an item. When clicked, the Email application shows up. The contacts in the Address Book can be easily added to the application.


The tool bar provides buttons to edit the email content.

The function of each button is shown in the table below:

Button Name Detail
Bold Convert the selected text to bold lettering
Italic Convert the selected text to italic lettering
Underline Underline the selected text
Strikethrough Strikethrough the selected text
Subscript Convert the selected text to subscript format
Superscript Convert the selected text to superscript format
Insert Ordered List Insert an ordered (numbered) list
Insert Unordered List Insert an unordered list
Outdent Reduce the indentation of the line
Indent increase the indentation of the line
Left Align Arrange the words to the left side
Center Align Arrange the words in the middle of the page
Right Align Arrange the words to the right side
Block Justify Arrange the words to fully fill the lines
Remove Formatting Remove the formatting of selected words
Insert Image Insert an image at the cursor
Insert Horizontal RuleInsert a horizontal line
Insert Hyperlink Link select words to a certain URL
Remove Hyperlink Remove the hyperlink from the words
Cut Cut selected words to clipboard
Copy Cut selected words to clipboard
Paste Paste the words from clipboard
Print Print the email

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